Latest News
The Borough of Clarks Summit is seeking a volunteer to be our representative for the County Tax Collection Committee. It involves meetings approximately 4 times a year, and conveying pertinent information to Council. Interested parties or anyone with questions should contact the borough office at 570-586-9316.
Please be advised that on or about July 14th, data collectors from Tyler Technologies will be moving into Clarks Summit as part of the countywide reassessment effort. All data collectors will be wearing yellow reflective safety vests with “TYLER” printed on the back and have County issued ID’s around their necks with lanyards. Photos of the data collectors, as will as what cars they will be driving are available here:
Outreach with the Office of Bridget Kozierowski – Representative Bridget Kozierowski will hold a monthly outreach the third Wednesday of every month from 11AM to 1PM in the Borough building beginning July 19.
Rep. Kosierowski will have a staff member there to assist with any state related needs that regional residents might have, from Property Tax Rent Rebate assistance, to PennDot help, to Unclaimed Treasury searches. Her team members will, of course, stay after 1PM to be sure that any resident needs are completely addressed.
Unless public health concerns require otherwise, all scheduled meetings will be open to the public and held in Council Chambers with the ability to be observed simultaneously via YouTube. The YouTube link is This link is intended only to permit individuals to observe the meeting live and is not intended for active participation. Only individuals who appear in person may address prior to the date of the meeting if an individual is unable to appear in person.
Agendas for future meetings:
Clarks Summit Borough Council Meeting 250205agenda